Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Club Day. The Birds of Prey Version.

Oh, what fun we had at our Birds of Prey Club meeting today.  For today, we merged the boys passion for birds (or animals, or things with guns) with their theatre talent.  We created puppets and put on an improv puppet show.

There were no patterns or designs to guide the club.  We simply laid out materials - fabric, felt, old socks, sticks, paper, beads, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and more - and the kids dug in and created as only they can. 

Most made some form of finger puppet, and some of these were later glued onto a stick to turn them into stick puppets.  Some didn't feel like birds - there was a musketeer and a raccoon in our puppet show, as well as a rabbit (so the owl and eagle had something to eat), and they all added amazing detail to their creations.

The puppet show was...interesting.  The boys invested so much time on their puppets that they really didn't have time to put together how the show would evolve.  Which was fine.  There were rabbits and fish eaten, various animals in a duel with the musketeer, and other events that shall remain nameless for now.  Perhaps we'll pull out a stage at another club meeting and spend more time on the story part of the puppet show, now that the characters have presented themselves.

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