Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Our Hallowe'en

Ahhh, the evening of ghosts and goblins and witches is coming to an end.  We had a little too much going on today, and were much to distracted by the solar system this week to really focus on all that could be Hallowe'en.  But we did honour a few Hallowe'en traditions today. 

I must confess, I have a love-hate relationship with Hallowe'en.  I love the idea of creating a costume, decorations and treats, especially when the littlest ones we love come calling.  I love the idea of dancing around the living room to Werewolves of London.  I love a night that exists for fun and fun alone.  I could do without all the processed stuff and commercialism and not-quite-from-nature part of it.

So today, we hauled up the pumpkins and Nicholas and Jaelyn had their go at designing them.  They felt confident enough to carve them, and so after a quick tutorial (keep the blade straight, cut away from yourself, etc.), they were off.  I think they came up with beautiful designs and did a really wonderful job carving them.

Next up were some healthier, home-made treats, made especially for our little niece and nephew, plus any of our Club friends who know us and trust us.  Nicholas made the candy apples that were coated with a mixture of coconut oil, honey, and our favorite dried fruits and seeds.  Jaelyn made some banana ghosts dipped in a mixture of cocoa and agave nectar, then sprinkled with coconut.  Yum.

And finally...trick or treating.  Our children donned their costumes (Nicholas in his handmade British soldier costume - McCall's pattern #M6143 - and Jaelyn in her hand-me-down Davey Crockett costume) and grabbed their flashlights.  Our first stop with the neighbourhood recreation centre, where they were serving up spooky crafts and snacks.  We made dolls, lanterns and decorated cookies before heading for home the long way.  The children wandered up and down a couple of streets trick-or-treating before they made their way home.

They came home with quite the haul.  Fortunately, they were eager to trade most of it in, as is our tradition, for simple toys and books.  We brought out the candles for their rooms again, too, and tucked them in with a kiss and a Hallowe'en poem to cap the day.

Happy Hallowe'en wherever you are!

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