Saturday, 6 October 2012

"Thankful for's"

Our family has a mealtime tradition where we each share our "thankful for's" at supper.  It is quite an informal time, where sometime during the meal we each share something (or many things) that we found ourselves thankful for.  We know that something is amiss when we miss a couple of days due to an overly hectic schedule - I usually feel that little gentle voice inside me asking for the pace to slow.  And we've had to navigate around squabbles such as who gets to go first, how to make sure everyone gets a turn when it was an especially wonderful day and there was much to be grateful for, and the days where someone perceives there was nothing to be thankful for.  But generally, it is a feel-good time during our day that I look forward to, and I know our children do too.

Given that it is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, I'm going to dedicate space in this blog for some of the things that I'm grateful for.  Today, I'm thankful...

  ~ that my husband safely made it home from a business trip
  ~ that my husband made a lovely red lentil dish for supper that oh so soul-satisfying on a cool autumn day
  ~ for the earth's bounty that we harvested, enjoyed, or will enjoy during the long winter months
  ~ for children who appear to be thriving in this little homeschool of ours
  ~ for a chance to put up my feet in the evening, read and soak in the inspiration for all the made-with-love gifts that we will start making soon!
  ~ for a chance to get out on my own and run some errands
  ~ for the thriving, bustling, feel-good neighbourhood we call home
  ~ for a Thanksgiving meal with family tonight

Is there anything you are especially grateful for today?

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