Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Club Day. The Birds of Prey version. Volume 1, Issue 4

Today was the last meeting for the summer.  We did a low-key craft as my mind, admittedly, is elsewhere as I mentally add and cross things off the list for our vacation.  We made paper airplanes.

We used several books as our guide:  Paper Airplanes and Other Super Flyers and Origami Paper Airplanes.  Everything we needed (paper, scissors, pencils) was readily on hand and was a cinch to gather.  Had I been more organized/had time, I would have made the designs in advance.  But, that didn't happen and we worked our way through it together.  The children then made the planes their own, by making adjustments to the wings or the tails to get different movement out of the planes and, in some cases,
decorating them.

After doing a few test runs inside during various stages of construction, we then took them to see how the wind changed how they flew.  Although there was little discussion of why the plane moved the way it did, there were experiments happening through trial and error!

We're happy that the Club seemed successful, using the children's enthusiasm as the sole measuring stick.  So, we'll take a pause and start again in September.  We'll be glad to see our Birds of Prey Clubbers again on September 11!


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