Thursday, 16 August 2012

Club Day. The Nature Version. Volume 1, Issue 4

Today was the last Nature Club for the summer.  We had a beautiful time together as we walked and searched for items for a scavenger hunt. 

This was an easy activity to put together, as we had created scavenger hunt cards for our nephews just a few months ago.  These cards had pictures and the names of the items to be found so the pre-reading crowd could easily know what was on the list, and perhaps later associate some letter sounds with the item.  For today though, I simply took the pictures from the cards and shrunk them into a table in a Word document.  Easy-peasy, as one of our Clubbers would say.

It was a pretty short list, and we found a lot of the things within the first block or so of our walk.  It was marvelous to see the little ones observing the world around them and noticing nature that wasn't on the list...centipedes, spiderwebs, ducks.  And there were some things we didn't expect to see (that were caught by a father and son by the side of the creek) and artists drawing in the park. 

There were a couple of things on the list that we didn't see.  And that was great too.  It gave us a chance to think about the items.  Where would we need to go to find a red-winged blackbird?  Why didn't we see a mushroom?  Chatting about those questions gave us a chance to pause and think about habitats, the cycle of the seasons, and such. 

And, to make the adventure even more awesome, we stopped at a playground.  Only the Nature Clubbers thought it was more fun to climb the magnificent willows than the monkey bars.  So much fun.  So many smiles.  Time to run free.  Time to be silly.  Time to get up-close and personal with all that lives around us.  What a great day.

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