Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Catching up

We've been on the go for the past 3 days.  We've moved on to Charlottetown, PEI, and will be spending another two days on this glorious island.  We've done lots and there much left we'd like to do while we're here.  Here are the highlights so far:

  ~ Yesterday was all things "Anne" we could fit in.  "Anne" is the infamous character in the Anne of Green Gables series written by L.M. Montgomery, an Islander herself.  We visited the town of Avonlea and kater went to see Anne of Green Gables:  The Musical.

  ~ This morning, we toured Province House here in Charlottetown.  Charlottetown is known as the Birthplace of Confederation.  We learned a bit about our country's history, before it became a country.

  ~ This afternoon, we all headed to the beach.  There wasn't much swimming done by my children, but oh so much to immerse themselves in!  There were tides to be learned about and seen first-hand (we got there at high tide).  There were hermit crabs to discover, capture, and investigate, before releasing them again.  There were rock crabs to chase.  There were shells to find.  There was rich red sand to dig in. 

The challenges so far have been getting three children to fall asleep quietly, while all staying in one room.  If anyone has suggestions, let me know!

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