Tuesday, 19 March 2013

A sewing we shall go

Jaelyn has been perusing our book, Green Crafts for Children, for a wee bit now.  It's been in her room and she has been flipping through it, moving bookmarks every now and again.  It seems that crafting must have been weighing heavy on her mind, for upon waking, she announced she needed to show me what she wanted to make today.

With an inward sigh of relief, I learned that she had her heart on making a felt bag.  I was fearing she would want to make a salt dough tea set, partly because I knew it would take a fair bit of commitment on our part to stick around while it dried in the oven, and partly because I dreaded our toddler getting her hands on the pieces and breaking them.  But a felt bag?  Of course, we could do that!

Who doesn't love a project where all the materials are right there?   Yes, today we were on - no searching for materials here and there.  Everything was exactly where it was the last time we saw it.  It also helped that the materials list was short (sewing needle, yarn, a button, scissors, a felted sweater).  This was truly a quick and easy project to whip up.  Plus, we brought our work downstairs, which pushed me to do a little bit to get my sewing space into a more useable state.

I'm thrilled to report that my little one is very happy with how her bag turned out.  And I'm thrilled to report that I'll be heading down shortly to spend some time with my sewing machine now that it's back out in the open.

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