Tuesday, 5 March 2013

It's feeling wild here

We travelled further west today, arriving in the small mountain town of Lake Louise this afternoon.  Our chalet feels very much tucked into the woods - indeed, there are animal tracks (deer, I think) outside our window!  Since the snow that fell over the last several days, it was quite easy to see the animals who had been roaming alongside the highway as well.  We noticed tracks of deer, rabbits, and other smaller creatures as we drove slowly along the twisty road.  And, those awake for the car ride even saw a lynx, which was a first for us in the wild!

And there is a little bit of wildness in these little ones of ours, too.  Tired bodies and tired minds are making the days harder for them, and us, to get through peacefully.  Even a quiet evening of reading in front of the fire was a bust!  So, it was an early evening for them (my littlest one's first night in a big girl bed is going well so far), and it will be an early evening for us too, after a little solitary reading and knitting in front of the fireplace.

Yes, rest is just what all these bodies need for a very active day tomorrow (which I'm very much looking forward to).

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