Monday, 17 December 2012


Today was a quiet day at our house.  We all needed some space to recover from a few too many late nights in a row.  While that didn't exactly mean sleeping in for all, it did mean some quieter activities in our house, which I think is just the balance we need before the coming days of visiting with some special people and all the excitement that comes with the season.  Quiet also gave me some emotional space that I need, as I find my heart heavy and my thoughts linger on those little ones and their families in Connecticut.

What did quiet mean for us today?

  ~ the camera stayed put away today
  ~ shaving beeswax while Astrin gathered it in a measuring cup
  ~ teaching Nicholas and Jaelyn the basics of needle-felting
  ~ serving leftovers for lunch and supper
  ~ an after-supper walk in the brisk wintery darkness
  ~ playing Christmas carols on the piano while the children dried the dishes in harmony

Wishing you a quiet, soulful countdown in this last week before Christmas.

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