Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Holiday mantra

It's funny how when you read something that inspires, intellectually at least, you often get an opportunity to practice that lesson in the real world shortly after.  Such an experience just occurred here over the last couple of days.

I love reading Amanda Blake Soule's blog, SouleMama.  Yesterday's post had a link to a post she had written about a year ago about making the holiday season simple and special.  My take-away from that post was that my children, and grown-ups for that matter, can sense the vibe I'm giving off and I need to be mindful of what that vibe is.  Am I being short and snappy with people because I've got too much going on and feeling the pressure of it that I don't realize the impact of my attitude?  Are there things that I think are must-dos but really wouldn't be noticed if I didn't do them?  What is the payoff that I'm getting for sacrificing the joy of the season.  What am I teaching my children by my behaviour?

So now, in the late hours of the evening, I'm sitting back and contemplating where I'm at.  Yes, I need some more rest.  I don't feel that awful churning in my gut that the list is too long or the pressure is too much (and I know that feeling well from past years).  I think we are pretty well balanced right now.  And I will need to keep being mindful in the days ahead to make sure this season of elving, festivities, family, friends and fun is still as magical as I would like it to be for those I love so much.

Yes, I think simple and special will be the mantra here.

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