Sunday, 15 July 2012

When parents are occupied

Saturday was a rough day for the grown-ups in our house.  A case of the flu had hit, some of us harder than others.  An afternoon of rest was just what was needed.

And what did the older children do while the largest and smallest of our family were tucked under blankets amid 26C weather?  Have a look!

The new welcome mat

Our friendly neighbourhood postal worker
Important information about the store

The store itself

Notice how they didn't wait for the fancy signs we were going to hang and just picked up some wood and made it work on their own?

After running out for some must-do errands (our lovely farmers at Etomami Organics and Cool Springs Ranch only come to town every-so-often), I collapsed on the playhouse porch to see what they had been up to and to partake in some important playtime.  And the playtime they had in mind was the the best kind I could have hoped for on a sick day!

The post office was a busy place for a little while!

Enjoy your week!

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