Wednesday, 11 July 2012


I must thank our wonderful friends at the local library for their Mainly Mother Goose program.  It's a program of songs, fingerplays, bounces and stories aimed at the under 2 crowd.  And the songs and fingerplays we learned came in especially handy today.

My littlest one is a curious girl.  There are some places that are open to having little explorers, like the swimming pool.  There are others, however, where exploring doesn't work so well - like at the doctor's office.  And that is where we spent a good hour and a half this morning.  While we brought her favorite books, there's only so many times one can read Are You My Mother? or Up Up Down before both mama and toddler have had enough.

Her favorites were the bounces and the fingerplays.  We played "This is the Way the Lady Rides" countless times, and her older siblings were so eager to have a turn taking her for a ride.  We sang "Wind the Bobbin Up", "This is Big, Big, Big" and "Peter and Paul" over and over again.  When we had exhausted those, it was time to bring out the secret weapon - a snack perfect for little fingers.  Thankfully, we were on our way before it was all gone!

What do you do to pass the time with your little ones when you've got extra time on your hands?

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