Sunday, 22 July 2012


"The worst enemy mankind ever had was the dastard who persuaded it that work, which might be the dearest joy we have, was...well,"  ~ Marjorie Spock, Waldorf Schools:  Kindergarten and Early Grades
Today was about work.  For the adults it was a dawn to dusk thing.  For the children, it was a morning thing, with some peppered in throughout the evening.

Today's work, though, as mundane as it was, didn't feel like work.  It felt as though there was a purpose to it.  Serving those dearest to me.  I could see, touch and hear the direct recipients of my efforts.

I thought back to the days when I was paid to "work".  I remember my employer's efforts to create a line of sight between its employees and the customers we served.  Being a corporate office employee, the line was a bit longer, and went through more people before it hit the customer, but there was a line of sight nonetheless.  I remember thinking that the line made sense logically, but "the line" didn't resonate with my heart.  I wasn't stirred to doing tremendous things because of those customers.  I was stirred to do my best so the paycheque I brought home would be higher and my family could live more comfortably.

Fast forward almost two years.  My "work" has now changed significantly, and continues to evolve.  I grow and put up some of our food.  I prepare our meals.  I make our clothing, and clean it too.  I try very hard to nourish our children's minds and hearts.  Now, I also almost exclusively facilitate their learning.  It's a long and diverse list.  It makes for days that fly by.  It makes for just as much scheduling and multi-tasking as I used to do.  But something is different.  I know that all of my effort directly goes into our family.  At the end of each day, the sense of fulfillment I feel is greater.  Those failures sting a little more too.  But I am eager to get up in the morning to see what the day will bring.

I hope that if our children see one who loves work, they in turn will seek and find work that fuels their spirit and gives them energy.

Enjoy your week!

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