Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Getting my creative back

I think January was such a ho-hum month because of all the creative energy I spent before Christmas.  I needed a breather from days and nights of crafting.  Don't get me wrong - I loved the crafting and I love who I did all the crafting for.  I'm amazed at all I learned too - how to knit mittens with double-pointed needles, how to make "real" hair for wooden dolls (as opposed to the painted on variety), how to make lip balms and body butters and flowery bath salts.  But a break was most definitely in order.

Now, though, the page on the calendar has been flipped.  The sun is shining through the windows for much more of the day now, we're in a bit of a warm spell, and some of our energy is returning.  I've been scouring the internet for some fun projects to share with little ones.  I've been flipping through books and letting the gears spin in my head for how to take someone else's amazing idea and add my fingerprint to it. 

So, what's in store for the weeks and months ahead?

  ~ Learning the science of popcorn and flexing our scientific process muscles
  ~ Considering how colour and music can express a feeling, then taking a shot at creating our own expressionist art
  ~ Trying out some needle felting with cookie cutters to make a valentine's day swag (and to share an important message about treating our own and others' bodies and feelings with the utmost respect)
  ~ Looking at the light spectrum, and playing with impressionism
  ~ More poetry!
  ~ Making our own paint from natural materials - think eggs, perhaps milk, some dirt or coffee, berries, and we'll see what else
  ~ Taking a crack at surrealism and using some unusual objects to create different textures.
  ~ And I'm taking some time to knit a little (big) something for me too.

Stay tuned! 

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