Sunday, 9 September 2012

Free time

Yesterday I wrote about the structure in our days and weeks and I talked about one day set aside every week as a "free" day.  Today was that day.  And what did we do?

 ~ The two older children ran in a kids mini-marathon, with two out-of-shape adults chugging along behind them.  Most of us are convinced we would like to have family runs in the evenings.  And we may enter two more events before Christmas.

 ~ Jaelyn went to a movie with a friend.

 ~ Nicholas read and played The Farming Game with his father.  In addition to the fun of playing a game, it is a great game for reinforcing math skills.

 ~ Astrin napped.

 ~ I canned tomatoes, hung laundry (this is so therapeutic, really), and got together the materials I'll need to sew a sweet little gift for my nephew, who is turning two next week.  Oh, and I wrote up this post in broad daylight!

 ~ My husband and I listened to the football broadcast today - the good guys squeaked out a win.

How did you enjoy your weekend?

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