Saturday, 29 September 2012


There was no "week in pictures" yesterday.  Partly because my busy day didn't end until the wee hours of the morning.  Partly because there weren't too many pictures taken last week.  And when there were moments that made us smile, I reached into my bag, only to discover the camera was at home.  The best "moment" was yesterday, ironically.  Yesterday was the day that massive amounts of leaves started to fall from the trees.  As I walked down a tree-canopied sidewalk and the children ran ahead, I noticed the leaves blowing and swirling around them.  It looked like it was snowing leaves.  It was beautiful.  I'm thankful I was living in the moment enough to see it.

For the rest of the week, my mind has been elsewhere.  The school my children attended is celebrating it's 100th anniversary and I was on the planning committee long before we had even considered homeschooling.  It didn't seem right to leave the committee with only a month until its most labour-intensive event - a 3-day festival.  So, last week, we spent a lot of time doing festival things - shopping for food and supplies, picking up cash for our cashier tills, making signs, organizing volunteers.  There were times when my children grumbled, and I don't blame them.  A big box store isn't the most exciting place to be when one is little.  Cutting out letters for hours can get tiresome.  Asking a Mama questions that she doesn't hear because she's deep in thought or on the phone or cutting vegetables madly and doesn't want to lose a finger is discouraging.

I think, though, that some of the effort the children saw me putting in rubbed off on them.  They wanted to volunteer and help too.  They moved tables and chairs.  They kept an eye on the box that held supplies I was responsible for.  They handed out food at a barbeque.  They were awesome and always asking what they could do to help.  I'm so thankful for such a supportive family.

A person asked me what I would be doing with my time now that the festival, or at least my role in it, was almost over.  I hadn't even thought about it.  I'm looking forward to more time spent with my children outdoors before the weather turns cold.  I'm looking forward to finishing up that Halloween costume that was started a week ago and starting on some other projects.  Perhaps that basement will get clean!

Part of me, however, is a little melancholy now that the work is almost done.  I've had an opportunity to work with some really wonderful people, and I know that I will see much less of them than I did while working on this project.  At the same time, I look forward to meeting new people in the local homeschooling community and building new relationships.  And enjoying more time with these amazing children of mine! 

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