Sunday, 16 September 2012

Giving a bit of ourselves

Today was my nephew's second birthday.  And what was planned to be a single, simple, handmade gift turned into 3 simple handmade gifts! 

I made that sweet little boy a stuffed owl based on the tutorial I found here.  It was quick to put together, as I did all the cutting and most of the sewing in less than an afternoon.  I stuffed it and sewed it up during the week as I helped the children with their bookwork, so they could actually witness me doing something I love to do. 

My children were thrilled with the little owl.  I think that seeing me make something from start to finish got them inspired to give from their own hearts and hands too.  Jaelyn made a card, then decided to give our little nephew a hot-off-the-table watercolour painting and a picture of herself.  Nicholas then got in on the action and brought down a painting he had done about a year ago.  It was a painting that was like a picture find - he had various objects scattered through the painting, and a legend at the top that indicated how many were in the picture.  He added the instructions, signed his name, and it was ready to go!

It was with full hearts that we packed these goodies up for this wee little one.  Happy birthday, sweetie!

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