Monday, 15 April 2013


It seems that my tank is running on empty.  After a weekend that was physically exhausting, my body is crying out for a rest.  An upset, achy stomach, combined with chills, tiredness from erratic sleep during the night, and all-round lethargy had me curled up in a ball this afternoon.  I did manage to work through the formal lesson work we do here fairly well, but each passing moment drained more and more of my energy.  I realized I would need some help getting through the rest of the day while I was preparing for tomorrow's lessons and it seemed to take all of my effort just to sit at the table typing or standing at the photocopier. 

Today, I send a shout out to those who stepped up to help me as I retreated to the couch.  My father, who was willing to take the older children skating this afternoon and then out for a snack, with only a few hours notice.  My husband, who wasn't feeling too well himself, who made lunches and suppers, kept everyone happy and got them ready for bed.  To my children, who seemed to empathize and understand why Mama could only read so much and needed a blanket around her arms while playing cards.  Thank you to all of you.  I appreciate your help and support.  Love you!

My mind now wanders to tomorrow and how we will make it through the day if I continue to feel this way.  I feel guilty asking Chris to stay home another day, particularly since he was away from work last week and today.  I wonder how his workplace views his absences when it is to take care of family, as my previous workplace was less than enthusiastic when a co-worker would call in sick when his spouse was ill.  I could ask my family to help too.  Or I could allow the children much more time on the computer (though I feel this eventually leads to children who feel "out of sync" for the rest of the day).  Perhaps the computer combined with equal doses of outside would do the trick.  Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow brings.  For now, I'll retire for the evening with a nice warm bath, some sleepy-time tea, and wishes for a better day tomorrow.

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